Student Self Service provides you with access to your student record; essential information that you will need throughout your studies at the University of Oxford. You will use Student Self Service for your University registration, to print an enrolment certificate, complete your examination entry and book your degree ceremony. If you are a graduate student, you will use Student Self Service for supervision reporting.

Visit self-service site.

Every college in Oxford has an IT Office – Queen’s is no exception. We look after all ICT equipment within College and can offer help and advice on IT matters. If you have any problems or queries regarding your computer whilst at Queen’s you can come and talk to us. We will do our best to try and help.

When you first get to Oxford you are bombarded with information so to help with the IT side of things you may want to look over our IT Blog – Getting Started page.

Contact details

Email –

Telephone – (01865 2) 79205

Located in main College – Front Quad 1 Room 5

Report Phishing and Malicious emails

Email –

When does your password actually expire?

Click here to check your OXFORD SSO and REMOTE ACCESS password expiry date


Staff or student with a card query?

  • If you are a member of staff and have a question about your card, please speak to your Departmental or College administrator or HR.
  • If you are a new and existing student, please contact your college administrator who will advise you.
  • If you are an existing student please contact your College office who will advise you.

University card services.