Queen’s runs a busy diary of Old Member events which you can check out in our online events diary.

All our events are a great opportunity to reconnect with Queen’s, the people you met here, and hear about the research our academics are working on.

There is the annual Old Members’ Dinner in mid-September, the Provost’s Lecture in November, our London Reception in mid-May, Queen’s Women’s Network events throughout the year, and most summers a College Garden Party for all the family. Plus we host Subject Reunions as well as events in the North of England, the US, and Old Member hot spots in Europe.

A bit further down the line you will also be invited to Year Group Reunions: the Ten Years Later Lunch after (surprise!) 10 years, the Needle and Thread Gaudy around 17-20 years after matriculation, and the famous Boar’s Head Gaudy a few years further on. (Keep an eye on the annual College Record – that’s where we publish the matriculation years for the next five upcoming gaudies).

It was a happy coincidence that an old Queen’s friend told me that PPE dinner was happening while I was in the UK, and I’m glad I came along. Stepping back into that time of your life – the sounds, the smells, the hallways – It was great to relive and enjoy the company of old and new friends who shared that same curiosity about the world.

 Ian Lai (PPE, 2015)
Old Member Ian Lai (PPE, 2015)