Information for students

Last updated in September 2023

We hope you remain well during your time at Queen’s, however, should you become unwell here are some options for getting help.

Urgent medical assistance

For URGENT medical assistance dial 999.

Non-urgent medical advice

For general medical advice contact a medical professional
– Your registered GP or the College Doctor
– NHS 111

Should you become very unwell please also contact the Lodge in addition to seeking medical assistance.

– The Lodge – 01865 279120

The Lodge can help advise you on getting any additional help as well as inform other College officers who may be able to provide assistance.

Welfare and mental health

The Welfare Officer,, is available if you need to speak to someone about your general welfare or mental wellbeing in College.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

There are no government restrictions in England for COVID-19 at this time.

If you do test positive for COVID-19, you are not by law restricted to your room, but just like any flu or respiratory illness, you should get plenty of rest and minimise your physical contact with others; College is a close community and illnesses can spread very quickly.

If you do leave your room whilst feeling unwell please be mindful of other people by wearing a mask and try to reduce your contact with others where possible.

If you need a mask you can obtain them from the Steward’s Office