
I am Professor of Financial Economics at the SaĂŻd Business School and specialise in Asset Management, with a special focus on investments in private equity funds.

I hold degrees from INSEAD (PhD in Finance), the University of Southern California (Masters in both Mathematical Finance and Economics) and Toulouse University (BSc in Economics). After my PhD, and before joining Oxford University, I worked as an assistant professor (i.e. lecturer) and then as associate professor (i.e. reader) at the University of Amsterdam.

At Queen’s College, I am part of the wine committee and the investment committee.


I teach the private equity course and the asset management course (which I created) for the School’s MBA, MFE and Executive MBA programmes. I also teach some executive courses in companies and at other universities.


My research has received considerable attention from both the investment professional and academic community. My findings have been quoted in publications such as the Financial Times and The Economist, and have been published in top academic and practitioner journals, including Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Harvard Business Review, Review of Finance and Financial Analyst Journal. All my papers can be downloaded on I have consulted for a number of companies, including the Norway sovereign wealth fund, GPFG ̶ one of the largest investors worldwide.


  • Private equity performance and liquidity risk, 2012, with F. Franzoni and E. Novak, Journal of Finance.
  • A new approach to regulating private equity, 2012, with P. Morris, Journal of Corporate Law Studies.
  • A new method to estimate risk and return of non-traded assets from cash flows: The case of private equity funds, 2012, with T.C. Lin and J. Driessen, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
  • Venture capital funds: Performance persistence and flow-performance relation, 2010, Journal of Banking and Finance 34, 568-577
  • The performance of private equity funds, 2009, with O. Gottschalg, Review of Financial Studies 22(4):1747-1776
  • Beware when venturing into private equity, 2009, Journal of Economic Perspectives 23(1): 147–66