The founding director of The Queen’s Translation Exchange, Dr Charlotte Ryland, has been making the case for a culture-based approach to language learning through her work at the Exchange, as well as in her capacity as Director of The Stephen Spender Trust. More recently, Dr Ryland has been sharing her views on the need for a new, inspiring and effective model of language learning and teaching in several publications, including an op-ed in The Bookseller. Find a round-up below:

The Language Paradox

The Bookseller, June 2nd 2023.

Nurturing a new generation of internationally minded readers and translators to fix a contradiction.

“Partnerships between translation and education can bring this dynamism into our schools, inject culture and creativity into the learning experience, make the Literature curriculum more inclusive, and nurture a new generation of readers open to and excited by international literature.”

Read the full article here.

Eyes on the Prize

The Linguist Spring 2023, Chartered Institute of Linguists, p10–11.

How can translation awards for language learners inspire a new generation of linguists? Having just been awarded the CIOL’s prestigious Threlford Cup for the promotion of languages, Charlotte Ryland takes a look at the work of the Stephen Spender Prize, now open for submissions.

Read the full article.

Revitalising Modern Languages: Content, Culture and Community

The Oxford Magazine, 5th Week Trinity Term 2023, following a speech made at the Moore Society, St John’s College.

My view is that we have to show our young learners that they are part of a community of linguists, which spans generations and continents, from the moment they learn their first word in another language.

That engaging in other languages and cultures isn’t just some esoteric thing that happens at 2 o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon with their French teacher, but is a mindset and a way of life that can stay with them throughout their lives.

Read the full speech. [Oxford SSO Log-in required to read]