I was both an undergraduate and a postgraduate student at the University of York, where I obtained an MMath and a PhD. Upon completion of the latter, I went to Portugal to take up a two-year research post at the Centro de Álgebra da Universidade de Lisboa. A further brief research position followed at the University of Manchester, after which I moved to Oxford in early 2010. Since then, I have held a range of different college and departmental positions within Oxford (including the Clifford Norton Studentship at Queen’s, 2011-2013). I returned to Queen’s in October 2015.
My teaching in Queen’s covers half of the first- and second-year pure mathematics modules. In the Mathematical Institute, where I am Departmental Lecturer in Mathematics and its History, I am responsible for the third-year course on the history of mathematics.
My background is in mathematics, and I began my research career with problems in abstract algebra. However, I have since moved over into the history of mathematics, where I research a range of topics from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. My interests include the development of abstract algebra, the growth of Soviet mathematics, issues connected with scientific communication, and the modern historiography of ancient mathematics.
For a list of publications, please see Christopher’s page on the Mathematical Institute website.